Top 5 Ways to Display Your (Family) Portraits

Here are a few of the many different ways to enjoy your latest family portraits:

1. Print them out. 

Definitely this. How many photos stay languishing in the back of beyond in your phone storage? They need to be out of that cage living life free in the wild!

2. Hang them up.

Did you know that studies have shown children have higher self esteem and a more solid family connection in homes where family portraits are displayed proudly up in the wall for everyone to see? I didn’t until recently. Am I running out of wall space now from all my framed prints having heard this news? Possibly.

3. Give them as a gift. 

Beautiful framed family photographs are the perfect gift for close family. Unique, one of a kind and very close to their hearts, this just makes sense and makes gift-giving an easy win.

4. Print some cards. 

Add all your gorgeous faces to your holiday cards this year. Friends and family love this stuff.

5. Create a photo book. 

Using an online photo service (I can recommend a few as there are loads to choose from) over a cup of coffee, slow down and take the time to organise your memories. Sorting through the images in a personalised photo book is another great way to, first of all, appreciate your family memories while also preserving the images for future and it means the photos are much more likely to be seen and enjoyed.

Anything I’ve forgotten? Although this is not an exhaustive list, hopefully this serves as an idea-generator and gives you some basics to get started with.